The entire MinnState system has rolled out a new platform for additional mental health supports for students. While DCTC has two on-campus licensed mental health therapists, sometimes our hours don’t work with your schedule
Often Maggie and I are working with students who are worried about getting healthcare because of the costs. But, remember, YOU are irreplaceable and you can always work with providers on interest free payment plans. AND there
The World Health Organization designated October 10th and World Mental Health Day as an initiative to grow awareness and understanding of mental health challenges. Here are some resources to support mental health: NAMI –
Naloxone is used to rapidly reverse an opioid overdose, like from heroin, oxycodone or fentanyl. Anyone from the community can anonymously get a free kit at county locations. Free Naloxone Flyer 8.5x11_DCbranding
The Living Room model is an innovative approach to mental health care developed by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), which functions as an alternative to emergency services for people experiencing mental health
Term Tuesday! On Tuesdays we’re going to try and post a blog where we explain common terms used in the world of psychology. This week’s term: EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING. I talk about executive functioning A LOT. It’s a challenge
Including Others – Through Food Food is often a central piece to social gatherings of all kinds: holidays, parties, student club meetings. It’s used to draw people in and to connect through doing an enjoyable activity
DCTC therapists, Maggie and Beth, will be adding content here about mental health, neurodivergence, and other topics to support you at your time at DCTC. Let us know if you want to see a specific topic covered!