Term Tuesday! On Tuesdays we’re going to try and post a blog where we explain common terms used in the world of psychology. This week’s term: EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING.
I talk about executive functioning A LOT. It’s a challenge area for a lot of people and it’s good to know about it and think about your strength areas and challenge areas.
Executive functioning are the tasks related to planning, time management, time tracking, working memory, organization, and self-regulation. These skills develop and are “housed” in the front part of our brain which is the last part of our brain to finish developing. So these skills are not automatic – we learn them over time and, for some, the learning is only done through direct teaching.
Executive function skills are a MUST for busy college students and also once you’re in your careers. Balancing the demands of adulthood with school and work is a lot and takes solid executive functioning. Below I’ve included a couple of resources for you to learn more about executive functioning:
If you want support with these skills, come see me in the CSS Thursdays from 1:00-3:30 at the Executive Function Help Desk!