Together we are joining the movement to Stop Diabetes and improve the lives of all those affected by diabetes. Click here to view the team page for DCTC Lions Club Why We Ride … We ride because we are proud to do our part to
On March 2, 12 volunteers from Dakota County Technical College and 1,200 members of the local community combined efforts for Minnesota FoodShare. In coordination with ImpactLives, a group of Rosemount Leaders organized
Our next Lions Club meeting is Thursday, March 14 in room 2-601 at noon. Come join us! All are welcome!
The DCTC Lions rocked Buck Hill again this year. It’s a huge fundraiser or Bridging, Inc. Bridging takes lightly used furniture and gives it to those in need.
The Polar Plunge was a fantastic event where seven Lions jumped into a near frozen lake. The Polar Plunge is a fundraiser for Special Olympics. The DCTC Lions raised over $600 for the event! Was it cold? Duh! Was it fun?
The DCTC Lions just before the jump into frigid water.