Congratulations to the new DCTC Lions Club Board of Directors! We are very excited to have this terrific team geared up and ready to do some great stuff this semester! Welcome Nicole Evridge, President; Kevin Day, Vice-President;
Cards for Hospitalized Kids (CFHK) is an internationally recognized charitable organization that spreads hope, joy & magic to hospitalized kids across America through uplifting, handmade cards. It distributes handmade cards
There will be a meeting on October 8th from 1:00-1:45pm in room 2-603. All students are invited and encouraged to come and see what the Lions Club is planning for this semester! So join in for a quick meeting and get involved
Together we are joining the movement to Stop Diabetes and improve the lives of all those affected by diabetes. Click here to view the team page for DCTC Lions Club Why We Ride … We ride because we are proud to do our part to
On March 2, 12 volunteers from Dakota County Technical College and 1,200 members of the local community combined efforts for Minnesota FoodShare. In coordination with ImpactLives, a group of Rosemount Leaders organized