PRIZES for the Winners of the Club’s Photo Contests

Published on: January 21, 2021

Filled Under: Contest, PHOTONS Club

Views: 1740

Hi all,

Okay, so here is a little overview/explanation of this blog topic.

Each month during the school year, the DCTC PHOTONS photo club runs a photo contest.  Each month there is a contest topic and we have an outside judge ( usually a graduate or local photographer) give a critique and a rating for each of the images that are entered.  If the first place winner is a current member of the club, they get to choose from a plethora of prizes that have been donated by instructors, current and past students, and by photo businesses, to the club.

We’ve had so many challenges/changes over the last year with Covid and so many online classes, that is has been so hard to have the winners pick a prize.  So, hence, this blog article.  Here I ( Darrell) will try to post a picture of the prizes that are available to the winners.  We are constantly adding to our prizes so we will update this blog as often as possible.

You will note that some prizes are smaller, like books, and flash accessories.  And some prizes are larger like camera cases, backdrops, backpacks, etc.  And then there are a couple of prizes like studio lights, or cameras or lenses that might be shown.

So we are encouraging each of you to enter up to three images each month so you will have a good chance at these prizes.  Any questions please contact Scott or Darrell


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