Pep Ventosa’s ‘In the Round’ Technique

Published on: November 13, 2021

Filled Under: Contest, Events, INNINGS, Outings, PHOTONS Club

Views: 4736

The Photons met for an Inning (indoor outing) on Nov. 11, 2021 to demo Pep Ventosa’s ‘In the Round’ technique. The technique involves taking multiple images an equal distance from a subject. After importing and aligning the images into Photoshop, you can adjust the opacity of each layer to create an effect similar to Impressionist paintings. These images use the technique of intentional camera movement (ICM), where the camera is moved during the exposure for a creative or artistic effect.

Images using this technique would be perfect entries to the November 2021 “Movement” photo contest. Replay the video where club advisor Scott Glime walks you through the process. And don’t forget to also check out some helpful links and view the samples gallery below.



Link to presentation video (if the embedded video above doesn’t work)

Pep Ventosa’s website

“A personal guide to the Pep Ventosa ‘in-the-round’ technique” by Alan Brown


2 Responses to Pep Ventosa’s ‘In the Round’ Technique

  1. Alan Brown says:

    Hi there, just coming across this. I am the author (Alan Brown) of the guide referenced in the video (

    The portrait you mention uses an experimental use of ITR, where both the subject AND the camera move in unison, trying to keep facial features in a consistent position.
    I am currently updating my website with additional procedures if interested.

    Happy to see my work is helping and inspiring others. Feel free to contact should you have questions.


    • Scott Glime says:

      Thanks so much Alan! The tips and examples on your website are so helpful. It’s such a fun technique and our students loved learning some new ways to think creatively in their photography. I’ll definitely reach out if we come across any questions. Thank you!

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