Industry Advisor at DCTC named to top 100 Interior Design Giants

Published on: March 11, 2015

Filled Under: Did You Know

Views: 2392

The interior design program at DCTC has been in existence for over 40 years.  In that time we’ve touched the lives of many.  Kathy Huus, industry advisor and  former instructor, worked with our students for over 10 years.  Kathy recently had an opportunity to return to her home state and is now working for AP + I, a commercial interior design firm in Silicon Valley.

One of Kathy’s first projects on her return to the design industry was for LinkedIn. The project was published in the February issue of Interior Design magazine.  As an interior design firm, AP+I will also be featured as one of  the 100 interior design giants.  We’d like to congratulate Kathy and her team on their continued excellence in the Interior Design profession.

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