Rep. Meijer visited Rep. Craig in her district • DCTC campus
Dakota County Technical College hosted a visit by the American Congressional Exchange (ACE) Friday, August 13, 2021, from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. on the college’s campus in Rosemount, Minnesota.
Attendees included Representative Angie Craig (D-MN) from Minnesota’s 2nd congressional district and U.S. Representative Peter Meijer (R-MI) from Michigan’s 3rd congressional district. Representative Meijer was visiting Representative Craig in her district.
Jonathan Perman, founder and co-director of ACE, which is housed at the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) in Washington, D.C., also took part in the visit along with additional ACE and legislative staff.
ACE Briefing Book for Craig–Meijer MN-2 Trip PDF
DCTC Participant Bios PDF
Minnesota State participants included:
Michael Berndt
Dakota County Technical College
Inver Hills Community College
Mike Mendez
Interim VP of Academic Affairs
Dakota County Technical College
Bob Trewartha
Director of Continuing Education, Customized Training, Workforce Solutions
Minnesota Training Connection
Christopher Hadfield
Executive Director
Minnesota State Transportation Center of Excellence
Carl Borleis
Director of Program Excellence
Minnesota State Transportation Center of Excellence
More about the American Congressional Exchange (ACE)¹
A Bipartisan Policy Center project, the American Congressional Exchange (ACE) focuses on members of the U.S. House of Representatives and is built on three precepts:
- To develop trust, Members of Congress must listen to one another to understand what it is that motivates them and concerns them.
- Once they listen to each other, they often learn they actually have more in common than meets the eye—and if they can see each other in that vein, impactful legislation can be achieved.
- A shared experience based on close personal interaction can be what brings Members of Congress together to take action on behalf of the American people.
Other DCTC representatives on hand for the ACE visit included:
Tim McCluskey
GM ASEP Instructor
Ken Klassen
Heavy Duty Truck Technology Instructor
Anna Voight
Associate Director of Student Life
Pete Szybatka
Heavy Duty Truck Technology Instructor
Transportation Management Major
Gabe Krebs
Heavy Duty Truck Technology Graduate
ACE visit highlights
The ACE visit began with introductions and brief overview of DCTC near the college’s library atrium. Guests toured two program areas, GM ASEP and Heavy Duty Truck Technology. Transportation Management was also on the agenda.
The visitors then took in a demonstration of the Minnesota State Center of Excellence Career Exploration Trailer, a mobile lab with interactive and hands-on activities that give students the chance to explore the high-tech side of careers in the following transportation fields:
- Automotive
- Collision and repair
- Heavy equipment
- Heavy truck and diesel
- Marine and powersports
- Professional truck driving
- Aviation
The ACE visit focused on workforce development along with domestic and global supply chain issues. Other topics of discussion included the new Minnesota State Commercial Driver Academy and congressional (community project) funding for the college’s Decision Driving Range.
A Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce meeting took place in the DCTC Dakota Room after the ACE visit. Attendees included local mayors, DCR Chamber President Maureen Scallen Failor and other chamber representatives, and Myron Orfield, director of the University of Minnesota’s Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity.
ACE Visit @DCTC gallery
View the DCTC Flickr album for more event photos:
Learn more about the American Congressional Exchange (ACE) visit by contacting:
Lisé Freking
Director of Strategic Marketing & Communications
Dakota County Technical College
Inver Hills Community College