Minnesota State Announces 400 Scholarships

Workforce Development Scholarship

New $2,500 scholarships for programs serving high-demand sectors


Media Contact

Doug Anderson
Communications and Media Director
Office: 651-201-1426

Minnesota State Announces 400 Scholarships for High-Demand Sector Programs

ST. PAUL, Minnesota, January 23, 2018—Minnesota State today announced the availability of 400 new Workforce Development Scholarships of $2,500 each for students enrolling in high-demand programs at state colleges.

The scholarships will be available fall semester 2018 to new students enrolling at any Minnesota State college in associate degree, diploma or certificate programs that prepare graduates for careers in high-demand sectors, including advanced manufacturing, agriculture, health care services and information technology. Scholarship awards are scheduled to be announced on March 30, 2018. Students should check with specific colleges for application deadlines.

Initially funded by a $1 million appropriation from the 2017 session of the Minnesota Legislature, the colleges and universities of Minnesota State are working with business and industry partners to supplement these scholarships through private contributions intended to make higher education even more affordable within these high demand industries.

“Minnesota State develops the talent businesses need in order to continue growing and thriving,” said Devinder Malhotra, interim chancellor of Minnesota State. “We are grateful to the legislature for this investment and look forward to delivering an impressive return for the taxpayers of Minnesota.”

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Minnesota State includes 30 community and technical colleges and seven state universities serving approximately 375,000 students. Minnesota State is the fourth-largest system of two-year colleges and four-year universities in the United States.

To learn more about $2,500 Workforce Development Scholarship opportunities for programs at Dakota County Technical College, contact:

Heath Baumgard
Director of Recruitment and Admissions
Dakota County Technical College