Student Senate Update 2017

Executive board members hail from five different nations

Cheryl Brogger, president of the Student Senate at Dakota County Technical College, sat down with DCTC News to review projects and events sponsored by the Senate over the past year. Cheryl is double-majoring in Executive & Administrative Assistant and Medical Administrative Assistant with plans to graduate this spring.

“I’m shy and introverted by nature,” she said. “I joined Business Professionals of America (BPA) and Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) as a way to become more engaged on campus. I decided to give the Student Senate a try and I’m so glad I got involved. We have a really good group on our executive board. We have so much fun. Everyone is so friendly.”

Amazing diversity on executive board
Yeti Tessman, Cheryl Brogger, Ayuba Dansoho, Kusum Joshi, Sumi Khan

Yeti Tessma, Cheryl Brogger, Ayuba Dansoho, Kusum Joshi, Sumi Khan

Cheryl is from Dennison, Minnesota, and is the only member of the executive board from the United States. Four international students serve as officers on the board. Yetnayet “Yeti” Tessma, vice president, is from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Kusum Joshi, treasurer, is from Delhi, India; Sumaiya “Sumi” Khan, secretary, is from Hyderabad, Pakistan; Ayuba Dansoho, campus liaison, is from Nigeria, West Africa. The combined population of all five countries tops 2.15 billion, or 30 percent of the world population of 7.4 billion.

2016 in review

Thanksgiving Campaign

Following up on an idea proposed by VP Yeti Tessma, the Student Senate passed out more than 350 thank-you cards that students, faculty and staff could use to show their appreciation to others over the Thanksgiving holiday.

Bylaws changes

The executive board increased the Student Senate stipend as an incentive to get more students involved in student government. The 3-credit compensation stipend received by executive board members was raised to a potential 4 credits. The $100 stipend issued to students who fulfill their Student Senate duties was raised to a potential $200.

Get Out the Vote 2016

Student Senate members collected more than 330 voter pledge cards from students, exceeding their goal of just under 200.

6th Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest

More than 220 people attended the event in the Student Life Center. Visit “Pumpkin Carving Winners Announced” on DCTC News to learn more.

Student Senate approves Student Life Patio Project Phase II

Located just north of the Student Life Center, the new patio area is a project taken on by students and faculty in the Landscape Horticulture program. Read “Student Life Center patio offers outdoor respite for students” on DCTC News to learn more.

DCTC Mannequin Challenge

Last winter, working off another idea by Yeti, the Student Life Center was overrun by a viral Internet trend.

About the Student Senate

The Student Senate is the official voice of students on campus. The Student Senate is involved in many decisions made on campus, including tuition increases, graduation planning and college activities. The Student Senate can also initiate projects for campus improvement. All students are encouraged to participate in the Student Senate.

Student Senate Mission
  • Represent all DCTC students
  • Serve as student body voice with state legislature and other governing bodies
  • Work with college administration and faculty to promote high-quality education
  • Advance cooperation between students and the community
  • Increase scholastic interest and achievement
  • Organize, maintain and energize activities within the student community
  • Encourage students to participate in other organizations related to their fields of study
  • Inspire and support student understanding and participation in citizenship activities
  • Serve as official DCTC representative with the Minnesota State College Student Association (MSCSA)

Visit Student Senate on Facebook.

DCTC Student Senate 2017

(left to right) Ayuba Dansoho, Emily Niznik, Kusum Joshi, Israel Gray, Nafisa Mohamud, Cheryl Brogger, Sumi Khan, Yeti Tessma, Roman Kindo

Student Senate Executive Board

Cheryl Brogger

Cheryl Brogger

Cheryl Brogger


Cheryl Brogger is from Dennison, Minnesota. Cheryl is in her fifth semester at DCTC pursuing a dual degree in Executive & Administrative Assistant and Medical Administrative Assistant. She plans to graduate in spring 2017.

Cheryl wished to represent DCTC on the Student Senate to achieve a sense of belonging to the college; she also enjoys stepping out of her comfort zone to learn new things. She belongs to Business Professionals of America (BPA) and Phi Theta Kappa. After graduating, Cheryl plans to find a position with a smaller company, but is very flexible with her search.

Yetnayet (Yeti) Tessma

Yeti Tessma

Yetnayet “Yeti” Tessma

Vice President

Yetnayet “Yeti” Tessma is from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Yeti is pursuing a degree in the Medical Assistant program and plans to graduate in May 2017. She wanted to take on a leadership role at DCTC as a way to become more involved with life on campus. She has a strong interest in the college’s history, traditions and achievements.

Yeti also serves as a student ambassador and president of the Multicultural Student Leadership Association (MSLA).

After graduating, Yeti plans to work in her field as a medical assistant. She chose to become a medical assistant because of a wonderful and rewarding experience she had back home in Ethiopia. Ever since then, she knew she wanted to work with people in a meaningful way and make a positive impact in the world. In her free time, Yeti enjoys playing with her kids, photography, listening to music, swimming, reading and cleaning.

Kusum Joshi

Kusum Joshi

Kusum Joshi


Kusum Joshi is from Delhi, India, and resides in Eagan, Minnesota. Kusum is earning a degree in the Multimedia & Web Design and plans to graduate in fall 2017.

Kusum wished to represent DCTC on the Student Senate in her quest to develop a wide range of transferable skills that will benefit her in the future. “Employers, colleges and universities are looking for more than just good grades,” she said. “They want community involvement and service.”

Kusum also keeps busy at DCTC as a student ambassador. After graduating, she plans to look for a full-time job. In her free time, Kusum enjoys listening to classical music and doing crafts.

Sumaiya Khan

Sumi Khan

Sumaiya “Sumi” Khan


Sumaiya “Sumi” Khan is from Hyderabad, Pakistan. Sumi is pursuing a degree in Multimedia & Web Design at DCTC. She decided to represent the college on the Student Senate because she was looking for opportunities to interact with different people while building her communication skills.

Sumi works as a graphic designer on campus and really enjoys her job. After graduating, she plans to start her career as a professional in a design field.

Ayuba Dansoho

Ayuba Dansoho

Ayuba Dansoho

Campus Liaison

Ayuba Dansoho is from Nigeria, West Africa. Ayuba is working on degrees in Technical Management and Industrial & Energy Plant Maintenance. He plans to graduate from DCTC in May 2017.

Ayuba took on the job of campus liaison in the Student Senate to increase student awareness while representing student interests beyond the school. He serves as a student ambassador at DCTC and also belongs to the Campus Lions Club, Multicultural Student Leadership Association (MSLA) and American Marketing Association.

After graduating, Ayuba plans to change jobs, get a new career in business and become a quality assurance agent. In his free time, he enjoys reading, drawing and learning about different cultures.

To learn more about Student Life and the Student Senate at DCTC, contact:

Nicole Meulemans
Director of Student Life and Activities

Anna Voight
Assistant Director of Student Life

Student Senate Office
Student Life Center

DCTC Student Senate

Kusum Joshi, Sumi Khan, Cheryl Brogger, Israel Gray, Ayuba Dansoho, Yeti Tessma