TxT Event Allows Girls to Explore Technical Programs

DCTC hosts the 5th annual Teens eXperiencing Technical Education (TxT) event

The DCTC campus was buzzing with excitement as 120 girls, grades 5 – 7, participated in this year’s TxT event.

The week-long workshop series gave the participants a chance to explore programs in the DCTC Business and Management, Design and Technology, Health and Human Services, Industry Careers and Transportation departments. Dakota County 4H also provided science and engineering workshops to allow for experiential learning workshops.

In addition, Apple Valley High School’s Polar Vortex and Iron Maidens,  King Tech Robotics and Eastview High School robotics teams were on campus to provide demonstrati0ns and work with the students as an introduction to robotic programming.

“TxT is a fun, hands-on way for girls to gain a new appreciation for opportunities in technical career fields,” notes Julia Glenn, this year’s organizer of the event.  “We get the chance to showcase DCTC programs and faculty—and the girls always have a great time.”

The students worked with instructors in program areas of auto body, civil engineering, heavy equipment, nanoscience, interior design, marketing, computer science, architecture, welding, robotics, rockets and many more.

“Through TxT, girls in 5th-7th grade were exposed to a variety of technical education fields this week, ” stated Mike Opp, DCTC vice president.  “Many of these students may one day consider entering these programs in the future.”

DCTC’s Marketing department challenged the students to use Adobe Photoshop to create their own ads to share on social media.  You can access, share and like their posts on DCTC’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/dakotatech The students with the most “likes”  will win a  prize.  The contest ends on Monday, August 3 at 10 a.m.  Be sure to get your votes in!

Here’s a few highlights from the event.  You can also view more pictures by visiting  https://www.flickr.com/photos/dctc/sets/with/72157656166974922

DAY ONE: Auto Body

DAY TWO: Interior Design
