Phase II of Bonding Project Approved

Transportation & Emerging Technologies Phase II

Legislators fund Transportation & Emerging Technologies renovation

The Minnesota Senate and House of Representatives approved a $370 million capital investment plan that includes $7.7 million in funding for Phase II of the Transportation & Emerging Technologies bonding renovation project at Dakota County Technical College. The bonding proposal, which passed 96–25 in the House and 48–18 in the Senate, contains funding for the top four projects approved by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) Board of Trustees. Gov. Mark Dayton signed the bill.

Classroom, lab and shop areas for academic programs in the college’s Transportation and Industry Careers departments have required extensive modernization to keep pace with workforce demands in areas critical to the economy, including heavy truck and construction equipment as well as nanotechnology. Both Phase I and Phase II of the project enhance space utilization while eliminating redundancies in specialized equipment. Program areas involved in the renovation were largely untouched since original construction in the early 1970s.

Transportation & Emerging Technologies project at a glance
  • Two-phase renovation modernizes 118,000 square feet of classroom, lab and shop space
  • Phase II renovates 63,000 square feet through right-sizing, reorganization and other improvements
  • Phase I renovated 55,000 square feet of teaching and learning space in 2013

For details, including a project tour and list of key renovation areas, visit Phase II: Bonding Project.

To learn more about Phase II of the Transportation & Emerging Technologies renovation project, contact:

Erin Edlund
Director of Institutional Advancement
Dakota County Technical College

1 Comment

  • Ted Nichols says:

    This is really great for the school, but I would like to see a bus line go out to the school so people like my daughter could go to the same tech college that I did.

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