Students work together on project based on BBC show Top Gear
A hit television show in the United Kingdom called BBC Top Gear recently became the focus of a collaboration between Photography and GM ASEP students at Dakota County Technical College.
The collaboration started with the generosity of General Motors, which provided a 2015 Corvette for use in the GM Training Center at the college. “It’s a $65,000 vehicle,” said GM ASEP Instructor Mark Hickman. “It’s such a cool car that everyone just wanted to get a picture next to it. So we thought, why not call the students in the Photo department to set up a photo shoot?”
Hickman called Photography Instructor Bill Eilers, and the two instructors got their students together to plan a shoot with a Hollywood twist. Many GM ASEP students are fans of BBC Top Gear, which features a mysterious racing character known as “The Stig.” Hickman acquired some Tyvek “racing suits” and helmets while Eilers had his students bring their lights, cameras and video gear to the GM ASEP lab.
“In the end, students in both programs got excited about the work they are doing in the classroom,” Eilers said. “Our students got some practical experience, and you could see the pride on all their faces.”
The photography students had been learning about making studio photographs and using software to composite the images. This assignment allowed them to learn by doing while meeting students in another DCTC program.
Both instructors agree that these kinds of collaborations create a sense of connection and community for their students. Hickman and Eilers intend to collaborate again in the future.
Student photographers and photo credit for GM ASEP “Stig” Models
- Darcy Boentje
- Brandon Bahr
- Fellonise Pitchford
- Kenny Floe
- Jessica Wisniewski
- Jake Hartle
- Rachel Wegman
- Sarah Koepsel-Schmieg
- Ron McKeehen
- Matt Kordel
- Samantha Blood
- Thomas Krause
- Shawna Geisler
- Mark Meyer
- Ryan Newman
- Josh Polson
- Jack Purcell
- Derrick Sobieck
- Trevor Tingo
- Aaron Weinberger
- Wally Welzin
- Grant Whalen
For more information about GM ASEP at DCTC, contact:
Mark Hickman
GM ASEP Instructor
For more information about Photography at DCTC, contact:
Bill Eilers
Photography Instructor