New Course this Spring: Business Writing

Business Writing

People will judge you by the words you use

New Course this Spring at DCTC: Business Writing

by Brett Kolles

Many have heard the phrase that people will judge you by the words you use. This axiom does not need to be negative; in fact, those who write well and communicate with skill are respected in the workplace and often promoted to leadership positions.

DCTC is offering a new course this spring aptly named “Business Writing.” The hybrid course meets every other Thursday evening from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. on alternating weeks. Business Writing focuses on effective, persuasive communication within and between business organizations from the perspective of employees and of managers. Common business communication skills such as professional letter writing, memos, cover letters and resumes, e-mail, and proofreading strategies will be covered.

A very strong focus on proper grammar and persuasive writing development will be emphasized. Students learn to critically analyze communication strategies. Students will also gain experience making an oral presentation, work as part of a collaborative team, and recognize the ethical implications of business communication.

We communicate every day. Learning to communicate effectively and professionally is a skill set that will pay dividends in the workplace.

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum Goal
  • Understand/demonstrate the writing and speaking processes through invention, organization, drafting, revision, editing and presentation
  • Participate effectively in groups with emphasis on listening, critical and reflective thinking, and responding
  • Locate, evaluate, and synthesize in a responsible manner material from diverse sources and points of view
  • Select appropriate communication choices for specific audiences
  • Construct logical and coherent arguments
  • Use authority, point-of-view, and individual voice and style in their writing and speaking
Business Writing Course Description

Business WritingThis course focuses on effective, persuasive communication within and between business organizations, from the perspective of employees and of mangers. Students learn to critically analyze communication strategies, organizational culture and common business texts, such as memos, reports and case studies; they learn to select quality data from primary and secondary sources; and they write and edit letters, memos, reports and studies in situations that simulate the complexities of small companies and global corporations. Students will also gain experience making an oral presentation with accompanying presentation and software slides, work as part of a collaborative team, and recognize the ethical implications of business communication. This course is not a substitute for ENGL1150 Composition I.

About the author…

Brett Kolles is a full-time English instructor in the General Education department. He also serves as the DCTC Campus Lions Club faculty advisor. Brett has a master’s degree in English, a Master of Business Communication and a B.A. in journalism from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn. (read more…)

For more information about the Business Writing course at DCTC, contact:
  • Brett Kolles
    English Instructor
    DCTC Campus Lions Club Advisor
    Dakota County Technical College
    Office 2-720E