Graduate Minnesota

Initiative urges former students to re-enroll and earn degrees

According to a media release from the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system, the Graduate Minnesota initiative is urging Minnesota’s working adults who have earned some college credits to re-enroll and complete their two- or four-year degrees at a MnSCU college or university, a move that will enhance their job prospects and help meet state workforce needs.

Excerpts from the release:

“The message is part of a new statewide outreach initiative called ‘Graduate Minnesota’—Complete your degree. Anytime. Anywhere.’ The initiative is designed to connect former students with advisers who can help them find the best and fastest route to complete their associate or bachelor’s degree.

“‘We must leverage the talents of the state’s 800,000 or so adults who have completed some college but have no degree,’ said Steven Rosenstone, chancellor of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.

“Many former students have earned a significant number of credits and may be closer than they think to earning a degree. Our colleges and universities can help them complete their degrees, compete for better jobs and deliver to Minnesota’s employers the educated workers and professionals needed for our state to remain competitive.”

For the entire release, read “‘Graduate Minnesota’ campaign urges former students to re-enroll and earn degrees” by Melinda Voss, MnSCU public relations director.

Scott Gunderson, chair of the DCTC Business and Management department and an instructor in the Supervisory Leadership program, serves on the Graduate Minnesota Committee for MnSCU.