Countdown to Fall Semester 2011

No admissions deadline at DCTC

Dakota County Technical College doesn’t roll up the sidewalks in the Admissions department two weeks before school starts. Understanding that choosing to enroll in a college-level program is a big-time decision, DCTC continues to admit students into their chosen majors right up to the day classes begin. For fall semester 2011, that’s Monday, Aug. 22.

“We will be busy getting students admitted, registered for courses and rolling toward their future careers right up to the day classes begin,” said Greg McCalley, the college’s dean of student affairs. “We want students to know our doors are open and we’re ready to help. Our student advisors know that no one wants to be told they’re too late for success.”

Click the countdown to APPLY NOW!

For more information about how to get started at DCTC, contact:
Or stop by Student Services, Room 2-110, straight ahead from the college’s main front entrance.

Dakota County Technical College
145th Street East (County Road 42)
Rosemount, MN 55068-2999

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