Beta Theta Tau chapter adopts four local families via 360 Communities program
The DCTC Phi Theta Kappa Beta Theta Tau chapter announced that its members have adopted four local families through Armful of Love, a charitable program of 360 Communities, formerly the Community Action Council. Beta Theta Tau members are hoping to bring joy and happiness to each and every member of the four families this holiday season. With your help, they can do it.
Donations can be left at the following locations on the DCTC main campus in Rosemount, Minn.:
- Giant Snowman in the West Commons
- Giant Mitten outside the Student Life Center
- Giant Star outside the Learning Center
- You can also make donations to the Giant Gingerbread Man at the college’s Apple Valley site
Pick a tag with an item you wish to purchase, return the unwrapped gift or gifts and the tag to the Armful of Love box in Student Life or the front desk at the Apple Valley site.
If you would like to contribute, but don’t have time to shop, donate as little as $1 (or even spare change) and Beta Theta Tau members will do the shopping for you. Bring cash to Laura McGlauchlen in the Student Life Center, Julie Dubois at the Apple Valley site or the labeled jar at the checkout counter of the Fresh Stop Café on the main Rosemout campus.
The Beta Theta Tau membership encourages all to show the giving spirit to four deserving families in Dakota County this holiday season. Members will be collecting donated items through noon on Dec. 9, 2010.