Why I Want to Be a Lineman

A poem by Andrew Lynch, a student in the DCTC Electrical Lineworker program

Andy Lynch | DCTC Electrical Lineworker Student

Andy Lynch, 31, of Lakeville, Minn., didn’t enroll in the Electrical Lineworker program at Dakota County Technical College to become a poet. When Steve Addy, a veteran instructor in the program, gave his students the assignment to write about why they wanted to be linemen, Lynch certainly didn’t stop to think about meter or rhyme before he set about compiling his list of reasons.

“After I finished the list and started looking it over, I began to see that it sort of looked like a poem,” Lynch said. “We didn’t have to put our names on the assignment when we turned it in so I thought I might as well give it a shot.”

Addy was so surprised that one of his students turned in a poem, he not only made a point of reading it to the class, he insisted the author step forward and claim credit for his work. “I was impressed,” Addy said with a smile. “This has never happened before and I’m sure it will never happen again.”

Lynch is more than happy about his choice to become a lineworker. “Before I enrolled in the program, I did some research and found out lineworkers make even more than I thought,” said Lynch, who just returned from his honeymoon with his new wife Malinda. “I also watched the DCTC lineworker video at least 30 times. I’m looking forward to great career at a utility like Xcel Energy or Dakota Electric.”

Why I want to be a Lineman

by Andrew Lynch

I want people to be glad to see me when a storm has just ruined their day
I want to earn a comfortable living and still get to be outside in beautiful months like May
I want to play with cool equipment to make easy work of clay
All while getting dirty and earning ample pay

I want to work outside and with my hands
I want to be in new places everyday while exploring different lands
I want to work where there is some danger
And use my brain to get past being just a light bulb changer

I want to be able to tell people what I do for a living and have their respect
I want my company to see no flaws in my work because it is what they have come to expect
I want to repair the wrath of Mother Nature after the darkest hour
All while getting to hang out atop a great big power tower

I want to sweat in the Summer and freeze in the Winter
To get a bug bite, frostbite, and an sometimes even a splinter
I cannot exist confined by walls
I need to live life outside even when nature calls

It doesn’t much seem like work when all day you’re just up poles climbin’
I hope this dumb-ass poem helps explain why I wish to be a Lineman.

Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers Salary (iseek.org)
Seven-county Mpls–St. Paul
  • Median: $34.55/hour
  • Top Earners: $43.06/hour
To learn more about the Electrical Lineworker program at DCTC, contact: