How many days a week does your family sit down and enjoy dinner together? Today is Family Day – A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children. It’s a national movement to inform parents that the parental engagement
Today is Friday and that means we’re one day closer to the weekend. For some, that may mean the usual weekend off – time with kids, clean the house, maybe company is coming over, etc. For others, it may mean long
Every fall in the Health, Safety, Nutrition class, we take a closer look at dental health of children. Click HERE to see what the American Academy of Pediatric Dentristry (AAPD) says about Early Childhood Caries (ECC).
One of the classes that I faciliate this semester is Advanced Child Guidance. This last week, we took a closer look at Guidance and Disciple versus Punishment. Are you using positive guidance with the children in your life?
I have to say that I enjoyed this movie. Would everyone and anyone? No, but I sure did. BABIES really allows you to get an inside look at life as an infant in other cultures. Of course, it may not represent every single family in
Just in time for Mother’s Day…the BABIES are here! Click HERE to see my previous post to learn more about this documentary. I’m excited to see this movie – TONIGHT! My mom and I are going to see it in
After loosing so many in MN recently due to car accidents, I’m reposting this. In case you or anyone you know needs a gentle reminder…Embrace Life and Always Wear a Seatbelt. (Turn your sound on. It’s helpful to
A palindrome is a series of words that read the same backwards as forward. This video reads the exact opposite backwards as forward. Not only does it read the opposite, the meaning is the exact opposite. This is a video that was
Everyone loves….Babies! Coming out Mother’s Day weekend (in select cities), this visually stunning film follows the first year in the lives of four babies around the world: U.S. –
Recently in the Creative class we discussed movement in early childhood. The students really took it to heart in the lab by moving a little themselves! We have high standards academically, but enjoy having fun too. That’s
My colleague, Jill Behnke, teaches a course this spring entitled Planning and Implementing Curriculum. Today she taught the students various open-ended creative art ideas. Look below to see what they did.
We took my son (7) and his friend (8) to Orchestra Hall last Saturday evening. The show info is below. I wasn’t sure as to how they would react, given their age and the fact that the show went from 8-10pm. The first half
A blogger friend and mother recently took a trip to Kenya. I’d like to share some of her blog posts while she was there. Some may be difficult to look at, think about, and acknowledge…but please do. *Mathare Valley
March 15, 2010 •
Videos • Views: 1405
Absolutely amazing! What a gift she has. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZC24Z2kshrU&NR=1
March 11, 2010 •
Videos • Views: 1947
March 10, 2010 •
Videos • Views: 1444
Did you know that it is Child Life Month? In recognition of Child Life Month and our newest degree program here at DCTC, I’d like to spotlight this month’s professional guest speakers on Child Life! Please visit
There’s been a lot of news coverage of the Olympics lately. You probably have your favorite sport to watch and athletes that you cheer on. You may stay up way too late watching finals when you know you should be sleeping.
February 24, 2010 •
Videos • Views: 1492
SIDS has long been a devastating mystery. Recently, doctors in Boston uncovered new research regarding Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ylmm0RGO0o