How Simply Focusing on Literacy Turned Around a Failing School Dan Domenech with Dr. Susan Szachowicz. This guest shares with us how she took a challenging, failing school and turned it into a stellar performing, award-winning
We’ve come a long way from the days when left-handed people were thought to be witches, but we still have much to learn about accommodating left-handed students in a right-handed world. Tune in and get the basics you need
Rae Pica with Dr. Peter Boonshaft, Susan Stacey, David Bloomfield. You know the list: standardized testing, scripted curricula, high-stakes accountability, policies that have sucked the passion out of many once-enthusiastic
Yasmina Vinci with Rebecca Berlin In this segment, we look at how the CLASS observation system is being used to improve Head Start programs. TUNE IN here.
Jerlean Daniel and Rae Pica with Vivian Gussin Paley This guest continues to sound the alarm that play in being pushed out of kindergarten to the detriment of the children. In this segment, Vivian offers suggestions for
The verdict is in. It’s the little things that count most. This guest has a strong message for dads: Don’t wait for the big opportunities to connect with your son or daughter. More importantly don’t wait for
This BAM Radio guest believes that there are many benefits to family child care providers partnering with Headstart that go beyond simple funding. TUNE IN to learn how collaborating with Headstart can mean providing more
Face to Face Versus Online Professional Development The Internet is changing the face of virtually every field, and training early childhood professionals is no exception. In this segment, the executive directors of four state
You’ve probably heard of the Grammy Awards, but have you heard of the Bammy Awards? The Bammy Awards acknowledge that teachers can’t do it alone and don’t do it alone. The Awards aim to foster cross-discipline
There are reports that ADHD in children is on the rise. But are we seeing a growing epidemic of ADHD or simply an increase in labeling children with the affliction? Rae’s guests give us some insight into what is
If you haven’t visited our Early Childhood Radio page lately, here are some up the updated BAM!radio programs: OMG! Parent -Teacher Conferences: Why They Fail, Making Them Work Banning Chocolate Milk…Really? Playing
Is Teaching Keyboarding in Kindergarten Developmentally Appropriate? Many argue that teaching penmanship is a thing of the past, but at what age should children be taught to use a computer keyboard? Some are starting as early
This week’s Bam!Radio discusses how federal policies affect early childhood. With significant budget cuts looming, the speakers talk about how early childhood educators can use their voices to impact federal funding of
This week’s Bam!Radio discusses what every educator and parent needs to know about teaching twins. According to the radio guests, there are a few myths and some misguided ideas about teaching twins that need to be
I’ve recently found out about Mom Enough (ME), a local mother-daughter expert team exploring the many facets of motherhood in today’s world. To learn more about Marti and Erin, click HERE. (Once the new page opens, scroll
Time To Give “Time Out” a Time Out? It’s time once again for BAM early childhood radio. This week, guests are discussing time out. They say it’s time to rethink how and when time out is used. Time outs
Some teachers would agree that when children go out to play, that’s time for teachers to have a ‘break’. Children can ‘do their own thing’, right? Especially for young children, I disagree with that
Learn why exposing children to multiple languages as early as possible is an asset to so many parts of a child’s development. Click HERE to listen to this week’s early childhood radio.
According to a recent study, 98 percent of teachers are using punishments and rewards for classroom management, but are they really effective? Isn’t it just manipulation? Should we be taking recess away for misbehavior? Are
The power shift in Congress may mean significant changes for the education community. Funding priorites and the disposition of many popular and unpopular programs are up in the air. There is tremendous uncertainty about what lies