MAKING THE BEST CHOICES FOR YOUR CHILD’S SAFETY: AN UPDATE ON LAWS AND BEST PRACTICES IN PASSENGER SAFETY Car crashes remain the leading cause of death and injury for children under 14 years of age, according to the Centers for
Jolene Pearson, Ph.D., IMH-E® (IV), holds a Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Minnesota. Jolene authored and has taught the CEED online courses. Her new book (2016), published by Zero to Three, is
This week we are discussing Chapters 27 & 28. Deborah Hirschland will provide insight and lead our discussion this week about behavior strategies. Just joining us? Get all the book study details HERE.
This week we are discussing Chapter 25: In Defense of the Arts. Laurie Greeninger will provide insight and lead our discussion this week. Just joining us? Get all the book study details HERE.
Good news! Children are eating more whole fruit and drinking less juice. The not so good news is only 60% of children are eating enough fruits and only 7% are eating the recommended amount of vegetables! (Centers for Disease
This week we are discussing Chapter 21: Should We Teach Handwriting in the Digital Age?, Chapter 22: Just Say No to Keyboarding in Kindergarten, and Chapter 23: iPads or Playdoh. Tamara Kaldor and Blakely Bundy will provide
This week we are discussing Chapter 19: The Trouble with Testing and Chapter 24 The Homework Debate. Scott Wiley will provide insight and lead our discussion this week. Just joining us? Get all the book study details HERE.
RESPECTFUL DISCIPLINE FOR CHILDREN OF ANY AGE “So many power struggles can be avoided when children have an opportunity to choose for themselves or to have a voice in family decisions. But how do you know when it’s time
This week we are discussing Chapter 17: In Defense of Authentic Learning and Chapter 18 Who Should Lead the Learning? Michael Gramling will provide insight and lead our discussion this week. Just joining us? Get all the
A NEW STUDY FROM SEARCH INSTITUTE “For decades, Search Institute has studied assets that are most important for helping children and teens grow up well. In their latest study, they examine the importance of five
This week we are discussing Chapter 11: Why Does Sitting Still Equal Learning? and Chapter 12 In Defense of Active Learning. Deborah Stewart will provide insight and lead our discussion this week. Just joining us? Get all the
THE LATEST CHILD PASSENGER SAFETY LAWS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY According to the CDC, car crashes continue to be the leading cause of death and serious injury for children under 14 years
I’m excited to announce that after a short break, we’re bringing back the Adventures in Eating feature on this blog! We’re excited for how it may positively impact teachers, children, and families. Mary
A CONVERSATION WITH CHILDREN’S AUTHOR NANCY CARLSON “Nancy Carlson understands children’s feelings and turns that understanding into delightful picture books that help children confront some of life’s most
This week we are discussing Chapter 10: The Myth of the Brain/Body Dichotomy, Chapter 14: The Body Matters Too, Chapter 15: Reading, Writing, Rithmetic, and Recess, and Chapter 16: Why Kids Need Gym. We have two guest experts
THE POWER OF THE TEENAGE BRAIN: AN INTERVIEW WITH PSYCHIATRY PROFESSOR AND AUTHOR, DR. DAN SIEGEL “As parents, many of us are uneasy about how we will see our children through adolescence – how we’ll handle the times
This week we are discussing Chapter 8- But Competition Is Human Nature, Chapter 9- Terrorist Tots, and Chapter 29- You’re Outta Here! Teacher Tom is our guest content expert this week to provide insight and lead our
WHEN A GIRL SHINES IN A SO-CALLED BOYS’ SPORT: REFLECTING ON GENDER BIAS AND OPPORTUNITY “As the only girl on her Little League teams, Jennifer Ring’s daughter more than held her own with her male teammates. But when
This week we are discussing Chapter 13: Play Is Not a Four Letter Word. Dr. Walter F. Drew is our guest content expert this week to provide insight and lead our discussion. Visit Dr. Drew’s website to learn more about his