Hold an Early Childhood Staff Book Club…

Published on: August 30, 2015

Filled Under: Beyond The Pages, Books, Guest Speakers

Views: 2856

You’ve always wanted to host an early childhood staff book club, right? It doesn’t get any easier than this! We’ve done all the work for you. Your staff can follow along by reading chapters, viewing our coordinating expert commentary, and participating in the conversation by commenting on our blog or Facebook posts with people all over the nation (and perhaps world) that care about and influence the lives of children. You could even host a book club night with treats to discuss in person after they’ve participated online. This provides for even more reflecting and connecting!

Beyond the Pages is an online blog book study. This feature acknowledges the importance of reading books while taking you beyond the pages and creating group dialogue. Stacie Goffin has charged those in early childhood to “continue the conversation” and we believe that this is one method to do that.What If Book Study Marketing Pic

Our first book this fall will be Rae Pica‘s What If Everybody Understood Child Development? Visit the following link to learn all the details! https://blogs.dctc.edu/dawnbraa/2015/08/05/new-feature-beyond-the-pages-a-blog-book-study/ Did I mention that 16 content experts will also be participating and leading the discussion?! The author, Rae Pica, has even agreed to answer questions. It’s going to be epic and it launches tomorrow, Monday, 8/31/15!

Please share the news in your circles of influence today.

Thank you,

Dawn Braa

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