Early Childhood @ DCTC

Published on: April 19, 2015

Filled Under: Early Childhood Youth Dev Program

Views: 3186

ECYD club logoDCTC logo 2-C vert

Some of the things that set our program apart from others are:

·     Small class sizes;
·     Convenient scheduling including full time, part time and on-line options;
·     A two day per week structured pathway to ensure completion of our highest award in 2 years;
·     Transfer options to many four-year institutions;
·     Affordable tuition and fees; and
·     A hands-on approach to education that involves students in active learning of best practices.

We work very closely with early childhood programs to understand what employers are looking for and to ensure that our students are well prepared for work in schools, child care centers, hospitals, Head Start, and a wide variety of other programs related to children and families.  We are confident that you will find our classes to be active learning experiences that challenge you and hone your skills for a rewarding career working with children.

Our Early Childhood program is already enrolling for fall semester. Appy now to reserve your spot! Use the contact information below to visit our Facebook page or to begin a conversation with either of the program instructors.

ECYD Instructors
Dawn Braa ,  Sharon Bergen
Dawn.braa@dctc.edu ,  Sharon.bergen@dctc.edu
651-423-8315 ,  651-423-8398


Program Testimonials
Lorelei Rein
Early Childhood & Youth Development Alum
Special Education Paraprofessional, School Readiness Inclusive Classroom

lynnLynn Kokal
Early Childhood & Youth Development Alum
Child Life Associate, Children’s Hospital and Clinics

I graduated from the program feeling I had a wealth of practical knowledge…I felt prepared to succeed in my choice of career. I was interested in exploring career options within the early childhood education field and liked the variety of programs that were offered. Many of the courses in the program would also transfer over to another college. I liked the flexibility provided by being able to choose on-campus, online and hybrid courses to fit around my family’s schedule. I appreciated the expertise and supportive mentoring of my instructors and valued their eagerness to help me succeed in gaining internships, employment, etc. The lab room that is available for students to create their curriculum materials is also fantastic!

I appreciate the fact that I graduated from the program feeling I had a wealth of practical knowledge, as well as useful materials to use ahead. I felt prepared to succeed in my choice of career. I continually draw upon what I have learned in my role as Child Life Associate on a daily basis. Everything I learned comes naturally as I strive to meet the needs of our patients and families, which is a testament to the quality of education I received at DCTC.

JenniferJennifer Blom
Early Childhood & Youth Development Alum
Owner – Jenny’s Puddle Jumpers Daycare

The Early Childhood & Youth Development teachers made the classes and the environment fun. I felt comfortable and the classes I took were some of the best I’ve ever taken. I enjoyed the connections and friendships I made in the classroom.

One thing people don’t realize about DCTC is that everyone is so friendly. It’s a very easy-going campus that makes it so you can do what you want to be doing. The education I received at DCTC helped me open my own successful business just six months after graduating.

I would tell other students thinking about the Early Childhood & Youth Development program to do it. It’s a great program with awesome instructors who help you build your confidence and give you the tools and materials you need to be successful in the field. It’s a great opportunity and experience to meet new people and learn skills you never knew you had. I am glad that I picked DCTC. I would do it again if I had the chance because I enjoyed the program that much!

ShaunaShauna Thilmany
Early Childhood & Youth Development Alum
Assistant Teacher for Pre-K

The support I received from my instructors played a crucial role in my success. Dawn and Jill continued to support me through every decision I had to make. It did not matter if it was a decision that was school related or family related. I am forever grateful for this support. When I was hired for my first employment in the field of Early Childhood, my boss knew the level of education I was receiving. This led me to a lead teacher position. When I interviewed for my second location within the field, I brought my portfolio filled with projects, lesson plans, educational ideas and my school accomplishments. All these items I presented allowed me to gain the assistant teacher position within a Head Start location. The professors always presented to the students the best manner of practice in each and every class. These best practices also have led to my success. I have recommended the school to various individuals within my field. I have always stated that the school has integrity, support, small classes and fabulous teaching standards.

Admission Information


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Get an inside peek of our classroom and lab space, as well as activities that our students are engaged in by visiting our Facebook page photos https://www.facebook.com/EarlyChildhoodIdeasResources/photos_stream 



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