Mondays with ME: Aggression (12/2/13)

Published on: December 2, 2013

Filled Under: Guest Speakers, Mondays with MomEnough

Views: 1953

The Consequences of Relational Aggression Among Our Sons & Daughters

Banny,Adrienne_hs“We’ve all heard ‘mean girl’ stories and many of us probably have lived them. But the social rejection and humiliation kids inflict on each other is not unique to girls; in fact, this Mom Enough guest cites evidence that relational aggression is equally common among boys and girls. Whatever the gender of the children involved, being on the receiving end can be devastating. And as wrong as it seems, there often are rewards for the perpetrators in terms of popularity and social status. As researcher Adrienne Banny attests, it will take a concerted effort by parents, teachers and other caring adults to turn around this very disturbing trend!” -MomEnough TUNE IN HERE.


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