Mondays with ME: Bedtime Routines (10/22/12)

Published on: October 22, 2012

Filled Under: Guest Speakers, Health , Fitness & Safety, Mondays with MomEnough, Resources

Views: 1639

And how often are you and your kids getting the sleep you need? This Mom Enough show can help your whole family feel more rested!

One of the most common frustrations among parents is the difficulty of getting their kids to go to sleep and stay asleep. And of course that brings the added frustration of not getting enough sleep yourself. But Dr. Harvey Karp, widely read parenting author, offers proven tools and techniques for helping children of all ages (and their parents!) get the sleep they need. You won’t want to miss this valuable discussion based on Harvey’s latest book, The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep. (It’s not only about babies!) TUNE IN HERE. Psst! Dr. Harvey Karp will be our guest speaker in January!

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