Our guest speaker for May, Tina Feigal, is graciously offering her newest book, The Pocket Coach for Parents, as a giveaway! Amazon book description- At last, here’s a book that walks parents step-by-step through the process of improving challenging child behavior. It’s short, to the point, and in journal format: just what harried parents need to learn Tina Feigal’s Present Moment Parenting. The Pocket Coach for Parents provides readers with a new set of techniques that creates a whole new set of results. Order includes CD: 60 Minutes with Parent Coach Tina Feigal.
What’s brand new in parenting intense kids?
1. You can turn child behavior around. No more regretting the past or fearing the future.
2. You can have a huge effect on your child’s bodily response when you learn these techniques.
3. You don’t need to punish bad behavior.
4. Your child’s self-esteem soars when you learn to trust her.
5. You’ll feel so much better as a parent. You can stop judging yourself and feeling guilty about techniques that don’t work.
Enter below for your chance to WIN! Each task you do is another entry for yourself in the drawing! Tweeting on Twitter and sharing on Facebook can be done DAILY. Fraudulent entries will be deleted. *NOTE* This giveaway runs from 5/2/12 until 5/8/12 (Ending @ 12:01am EST).