Bailey Martin is a student in the Early Childhood and Youth Development Program here at DCTC. She’s also an identical twin. Let me tell you about this amazing experience that she had this past fall…
Lisa Ling, an American journalist, has been fascinated with twins throughout her life because of her close realtionship with her sister. Bailey and her twin Chelsea were on TV with Lisa Ling!!
In this clip from Our America with Lisa Ling episode, “Twin Lives” (10/9c, OWN), we meet 23-year-old twins Chelsea and Bailey. Their incredibly close bond has been nurtured since birth, and they see no reason to start living separate lives as they grow older. View the sneak peek HERE.
You may watch the entire episode HERE. You’ll see Bailey beginning at minute 12:30. So neat!
Bailey’s sister is a graduate from the Medical Assistant Program here at DCTC.
I didn’t know that! Isn’t is an interesting piece?