Dakota County Technical College is very excited to announce electronic delivery of tax documents (1098T & W-2 forms). Sign up by December 31st for your online tax forms.
* To sign up, simply logon to your Student e-Services dashboard and click on the announcement in the Action Item area. Click HERE
* You will only need to consent one time for each tax form type and the consent applies to any Minnesota State Colleges and Universities you attend.
* The consent will be effective for all W-2 Wage and Tax Statements issued to you by Minnesota State Colleges and Universities for current and future years.
* If you opt to receive your tax form electronically, you will not receive a paper copy of the form in the mail.
* In January, when the tax forms are available for download on Student e-Services, if you consented to an online tax form, you will receive both an email and a notice in your Student e-Services Action Item area that says
*IMPORTANT TAX RETURN DOCUMENT AVAILABLE*. By clicking on the Action Item or the link in the email notification, you will be sent to a page within Student e-Services where you can view and download a PDF version of your tax forms. If you opt for electronic delivery, you will receive your tax forms sooner than you would by U.S. mail.
If you have questions, please contact Christina Haan at 651.423.8405 or christina.haan@dctc.edu