I was on a school bus today filled with adults and children. In the seat behind me an adult woman said, “Aren’t there seat belts on here? Don’t the children have to buckle up?” The other woman replied, “No.” “Oh, I thought they did. I wonder why not.” The other woman said, “I think it’s because if there’s a fire, the children can evacuate quicker, etc.”
This is part of the topic in today’s MomEnough episode. Child Passenger Safety is a very important issue. It’s one of main contributers of death for children under age 14. We need to make sure our children are safe at the bus stop, on the school bus and in our own cars. Heather Darby from the MN Department of Safety shares tips for keeping children safe in vehicles. Tune in HERE <—- Click. (Be sure to have your sound on)
Did you know that September is Child Passenger Safety Month? 80% of carseats are installed incorrectly! Get yours checked today. It’s up to you to ensure that the children riding with you are buckled properly. Need to get a carseat fitting in your vehicle? Click HERE to find a location near you.
**There have also been some recent changes in recommendations for carseats. Previous regulations stated age 12 months and/or 20 pounds as the minimum requirements for turning the child around in the car. The AAP’s recent changes suggest extending the time children are in rear-facing seats to age 2. Also the AAP recommends booster seats for all children under 8 years old or 4’9”.
Our Health, Safety, & Nutrition class is going to be spending more time on this topic in October. Interested in learning more? Click HERE to view a related post from in the past. Below is a video I shared in 2010. I still love it. (You’ll want your sound on)