Building authentic relationships for success…

Published on: December 19, 2014

Filled Under: Uncategorized

Views: 3667

The fall semester is almost over, and we are all running around trying to conclude final assignments and presentations. We have gone through different kinds of teaching and learning experiences in the physical or virtual classroom, where some were traditional and others very different. Coming from a teaching perspective, it is always interesting to see diverse dynamics in teaching and learning processes, and it is intriguing and exiting to see how these events can take students in non-linear pathways for transformation. Yes, the end-goal is to change and to become the professional we want to be and the professional that employers are looking to hire and to promote.

But also, we are growing personally by enhancing our network of relationships, and these relationships are critical in moving forward in this transformation process. Last night, the final presentations in the multicultural mentoring course were extraordinarily moving, and believe it or not, no one PowerPoint slide was shown. The members of this learning community spoke from their hearts about their mentoring process, and it was clear they were accountable to the fundamental values of commitment, taking action and learning.

One of the main commonalities, in these experiences, was authenticity. The successful experiences were all committed to building trusting mentoring relationships, where mutual accountability was the key ingredient for success. They took action to maintain an ongoing mentoring process toward self-discovery and personal improvement, and they were able to learn not only from their mentors but also from their classmates and from new informal mentoring relationships.

It was amazing to see how successful mentoring relationships were able to multiply their authentic experiences with others and how they were able to open new doors to uncover new and exciting opportunities to get closer to their ultimate dream or to redefine it. Let’s continue working together to attain our professional goals by being accountable to our lifelong learning. I am thankful to be a witness of personal empowerment and the authentic desired to learn.

I just wish we would have 100% success in our students’ academic endeavors, but it all depends on your level of commitment to effectively manage your lifelong learning process. Let’s come back with stronger than ever commitment to academic success in 2015.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2015!

Harold Torrence


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