Learning how to learn while living in a world of hyper technological distractions…

Published on: November 14, 2014

Filled Under: Learning, Mindfulness, Uncategorized

Views: 5934

In today’s knowledge society, lifelong learning is a critical element of success. Even though we presently have an overwhelming opportunity to access information through the World Wide Web, we may not be effectively tapping this tremendous knowledge wealth.

We also have many more distractions surrounding us everywhere with smart phones, social media, video games, movies, TV shows, etc. Many times, all these distractions get also on our way of learning, and even when we are in the physical classroom, we are distracted often by technology. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate having my smart phone which is my music player, my camera, my library, my telephone, my social device, my everything; and I also confess that I frequently fall into the trap of these hyper technological distractions.

In order for us to effectively “learn how to learn” in this age, we need to make a conscious effort to set priorities. For example, you could simply start writing your to-do-list with the old-fashion pen and paper, and so this could help you to to be more mindful about what really needs to be done. Indeed, mindfulness is what most of us need to effectively move our lifelong learning forward.

So let me ask you, are you learning what you are suppose to be learning? Do you feel you are moving in the right direction? Do you feel smarter than a fifth grader? Do you feel overwhelm with beeping sounds coming from your amazingly smart phone? Are you smarter than your phone? Are you paying attention in class? Are you submitting your work on time? Are you really distracted by technology?

We need to reflect more and more on how can we really learn how to learn in the midst of so many distractions. Let’s take time to think, to reflect on how you face these distractions, and to change bad habits by focusing on what really matters. If you don’t mind, please share with me how you handle technological distractions by sending me an email to harold.torrence@dctc.edu.   bulb1

4 Responses to Learning how to learn while living in a world of hyper technological distractions…

  1. Anna Voight says:

    Great post, Harold! I limit technological distractions by disabling all notification on my smart phone except phone calls and text messages. I check email and social media on my schedule, not every time my phone beeps and blinks.

  2. Tracy Adamson says:

    For me it is important to prioritize what I need to get done over what I would like to do. I set uninterrupted time aside to accomplish my needs with no phone, internet, or media in a quiet space and reward my accomplishments with the wants -or distractions of technology.

  3. Alan says:

    It is very hard to get away from those distractions.

  4. Studio2 says:

    The biggest risk is probably for future generations, maybe they will learn everything without pen and paper, but only in digital mode

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