Here’s how you can help!
DCTC is supporting #DoublePell, a national campaign aimed at encouraging Congress to double the maximum Pell Grant to $13,000. The Pell Grant is awarded to undergraduate students who display exceptional financial need, and, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid. The current Pell Grant awards range from $650 to $6,495.
The pandemic impacted some students’ ability to afford and continue their education. Increasing the Pell Grant would remove some of the burdens of student debt and student loans. Furthermore, increasing the Pell Grant would aid equity initiatives as our country continues to grapple with how to be more inclusive and close the gap. Imagine the difference that $13,000 could make for a student!
Here are three ways you can help:
- Send an email to your members of Congress letting them know why the Pell Grant is so important to you and asking that they support efforts to double the maximum grant. Don’t know what to write? The Take Action page of the #DoublePell website has a template email message you can use and a quick and easy way to send your message to Congress directly from that site.
- Share your story on the Pell Voices page of the campaign website so others can see what the Pell Grant program means to you and how doubling the maximum award would help you.
- Use your social media accounts to speak out in favor of doubling the maximum Pell Grant and encourage others to do the same. The Take Action page of the campaign website has some graphics you can use. Be sure to use #DoublePell in all of your posts.
Learn more about the importance of the Pell Grant program on the Resources page of the campaign website.
Contact Sheri Hanson, Student Senate president, at if you would like to get more involved in the campaign.